Monday, September 23, 2013

Bus and more

 Since Ella can't go to school right across the street from our development due to the over crowding of children in our community.  All the half day kindergarteners have to be bused or talken by their parents to another school about 3.5miles away.  At first we weren't too happy about this but I love her teacher and so far things are good.  Part of going to this other school is that Ella has the opportunity to take the bus.  It works out that she can take the bus on Tues. and Thurs.  Which is fun because I can walk her to and from school.  When it's cold and winter is here I might not think it's so fun.  These pictures are from her first bus day.  Since then she has met a little girl who she loves to ride with now.

 Here is Bridgette helping me take care of our neighbors little baby boy Will.
 Bridgie is such a great helper these days.

 Rock Star girls!
 They love to rock out!

 My baby LOVE!  Molly is getting bigger by the day.  She adores Ella.  She babbles a ton now.  She tries to sing and dance with the girls.  She is pretty good eater.  Teething has been very painful for her.  She is just missing one more set and then she will have all 20!

She is such a big kid, who has an awesome personality. This week, she is recovering from an ear infection.  She is also really into learning all her body part.  If you ask her where something is, she will point to that part.  We are enjoying this age so much.

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