Thursday, July 11, 2013

Cooking in Tutu's and Last Day of School

 The girls love to help me cook especially when they are hungry because they always know they will get beaters to lick or something tasty to try.  Usually they wear their aprons but this time I think we forgot.  Bridgette wanted to show off her new tutu that Grandma Menard got her for her birthday.

 Ella's last day of Preschool was in the middle of May.  She had a little graduation and then had their class party that me and my neighbor mom planned.

 Ella and her teacher Mrs. Gault.  We also celebrated summer birthday's that day.
 Ella and teacher Mrs. Fish.
For her birthday present the teachers give each child their very own bible.  Ella was thrilled!  Cheers to a good summer!

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