Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Molls- 9mos old stats

 Took Molly to the doctor for her 9mo check up last week:
weight- 19lbs.
height- 28in
4 shots and a toe prick to check for anemia and we were out of there.  No anemia so we are good to go for another 3months till she turns 1.  yikes, how time flys.  The biggest thing we struggle with is Molly's naps and sleeping through the night.  Since she was 8mos old (April 3rd) she has been crawling.  And a day later she was pulling herself up on things.  She climbs stairs and stands on her own for more than 3 seconds.

 We have has such great weather lately so Molly has been getting out enjoying the sunshine lots.  She is wearing an adorable sundress my grandma made her.  Thanks Grandma ( Choo, choo)!

Her and Daddy!!

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