Friday, July 13, 2012

Baby Menard #3 Has Arrived!!!

After waiting 9 mos for baby Menard #3 we had to schedule an induction because things were not happening in a timely manner for us.  That and I just wanted to be done being pregnant.  The first picture here is Tues. night, the night before my induction.
We had to be at the hospital for an early check in of 5:15 am.  In the past pregnancies, the nurses have had trouble getting an IV into my arm.  This one was no different.  I was poked 3 times and ended up with one blown out vien before they called the anesthesiologist to do it right.  I guess I have viens that roll around.  Thank god, that will be the the last time I have to go through that.  We started the pitosin at around 7:30am.  The doctor broke my water at around 10:00am and the contractions ramped up from there.  Luckily, I am kind of a wimp and ordered the epidural almost immediately after (at 10:20am) because things went very fast.  I was dialated to 3cm when the doctor broke my water, then about 45 minutes later I was at a 7 - 8 cm.  The next thing we new I was fully dialated and ready to deliver shortly after 11:00am.  The nurse was racing to get the doctor into the room and when he arrived, he was rushing to get his gown on and glove up.  By then, Jake says the head was already out and the doctor was frantically telling the nurses to keep me from pushing until he was ready.  Once the doctor was ready, about a 1/2 push and miss Molly was out!  Jake had the honor of announcing the sex and he was in so much shock that is was another girl, it took him a while to announce it.  He claims the chord was in between her legs and he just wanted to make sure, but I think it was because he was so sure it was a boy and couldn't believe it. 

Molly Catherine was born at 11:25 am and weighed in at 7 lb. 11 oz.  She has a full head of curly dark hair and is absolutely beautiful.  She looks just like her big sisters did.  Looking at the pics from Ella and Bridgette's birth and they all three look so much alike.  We got home yesterday and everyone is doing great and adjusting to life at home with out family of 5.  Hope you enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

Kerrianne said...

Erin she is absolutely gorgeous! Glad things went well. Congratulations!!- Kerrianne