Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween Night 2011

In the beginning of the October I took Ella to the Halloween store and she picked out a Minnie Mouse costume. She was all about it until we went to the Disney Store last week and fell in love with the Sleeping Beauty Dress. As you can see Sleeping Beauty won!
B is my kitty cat.
Here we are "trick or treating" with Ella's friends from the neighborhood. Tons of laughing and giggling from those girls. Notice Bridgette is right up in the front. No Fear from her. She did awesome for her first time trick or treating.
Before we left to go out into the neighborhood. Gosh its hard to take a good picture of the both of them.
At Jake's office they had trick or treating for the kids. I brought the girls over there and we went office to office getting lots of awesome candy. Ella made us proud by how she would loudly say "trick or treat" before picking out her candy followed by a "thank you."

1 comment:

Laura J. said...

Too cute!! Happy Halloween!