Thursday, June 9, 2011

Bridgette and Ella

Bridgette had her 1yr check up last month a little after her birthday. I just haven't had time to post her stats. So apparently she is 95% for height and 75% for weight. Yes, she is up and walking all over. She walks about 95% of the time now. She can turn corners while walking and stop to pick up things and keep walking. I will post a video soon.

This weeks she began wanting to feed me bites of her food. Also she is beginning to dip her spoon into the baby food jars and feed herself. Just today she picked up a peach and put it on her spoon and fed herself. I was so proud of her! She was so proud of herself that she began clapping.

Ella has been so good with her manners. She is such a polite little girl. Whenever I tell her to do something her response is always, "OK mom." Ella is officially out of diapers at night!! Yeah!! So far we have had only two accidents. She has done so well staying dry at night that today she got to have a Princess Belle costume dress.

Papa bought Ella a princess bell for her bike.

Happy girl!

Sweet baby Bridgette.

Bridgette enjoying the sunshine.

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