Thursday, March 31, 2011

10 months old

Bridgette is into everything which means my eyes need to be on her at all times or she gets herself into trouble. She is definitely my accident pron child. Just this week she wants to walk around holding just onto one of my hands. She will play peek a boo with herself by lifting up her shirt and she will open up her arms really wide when you tell her she is sooo big. Very cute! And the fairly tale continues with Ella. Its hard to keep up with her characters throughout the day. She changes costumes many times a day and don't get me started with how many times we change shoes. On Monday, Ella took her first ballet class. I cried through the first half because I was so proud of how well she was following directions. Since she liked the class so much we went and bought her her first pair of ballet shoes yesterday and now she really thinks she is Angelina ballerina.

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