Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Burying the Binky

Ella has two binkies left. Both have holes chewed through them. YUCK! Anyway, we have misplaced one and the other one finally broke into pieces yesterday. A while ago we read this book to Ella called, The Last No, No. It was about this dragon who had to give up his binkys. He secretly wanted to keep them so he planted a binky in the ground. At the end he of the book he was proud of himself for not needing his binky anymore but he also looked out back and there was a big tree that had grown and it was full of binkies. So Ella has the idea in her head that if she plants her broken binky she may get more. I'm not sure if this is a good technique to get rid of her binkies for good, but its worth a try. So far we are on a second day without the binky. Yesterday, she told me that she would like to try one of Bridgettes extra binkys but I told her no. Cross your fingers for me, that we are done with binkies!!

Broken Binky

Binky in the ground

Bye, Bye Binky!

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