Saturday, July 25, 2009

Funny Girl

These days Ella is busy drooling. She is finally cutting her top two teeth. Baby Oral Gel is what we have found to work the fastest for pain relief. In fact, Ella likes it so much that she keeps it close by her side at all time of the day. She is so funny, she actually carries around the tube of gel, the other day she actually took a bath with it, and today she brought it with her to Costco. I did draw the line and took it away at nap time.
Ella said "cat" which came out "at" and "up" for the first time last week. Her most favorite food are blueberries. She get very excited when she sees them on the box of Chex. I gave her a baby fork this week and she caught on right away. Its so cute to watch her try and poke a piece of food on it. Hopefully, we can post a video soon.

Ella and her new puppy! It's a great dog- I don't have to feed it, walk it or clean up after it!!

Here she is starting to empty her toy box- I need to teach her how to put everything away after she is done.

1 comment:

Nana said...

Love those 2 front teeth!