Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Still NO baby!!

I know everyone including me and Jake are anxiously waiting for our baby to arrive but as you can tell she is just not ready to come out into the world. So in the mean time I am still bored our of my mind and getting a bit uncomfortable. Yesterday, was very warm here so my feet started to swell up and my flip flops would hardly go on. However, the nice thing about living in the Northwest is that it always cools off at night so we slept with the door open in our bedroom and the fan running, it was perfect.
This morning Jake thought that my stomach had grown even bigger, just what I wanted to hear. All I know is that the few stretch marks I do have are getting worse!! Tomorrow, we go to see the doctor to check for changes. Hopefully, there has been some progress made esp. with all the walking I have been doing. Maybe by this weekend we will have our little girl to introduce to all of our friends and family. Thanks to everyone who has shown so much support and love during our entire pregnancy even if we are running a little behind schedule.


Anonymous said...

Try some coffee. If the baby is truly a Mendard, she will respond to that.


Anonymous said...

I just mis-spelled Menard, looks like I need some coffee.

Tim Jacobus