Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bathroom Talk

My brother Brandon told me that me and Jake's conversations would change once Ella arrived at home. Instead of talking about our days at work we now talk about how many poopy diapers Ella had and how bad they were. I never knew how many blowouts a little baby girl could have in one day. By blowouts I mean up the back or out the side of the leg and through the clothes. Above is what Ella was wearing at the beginning of the day yesterday and by the middle/evening she was down to just a diaper. Which meant that pj's were put on early and thankfully she kept them clean all night. However, we did have to change her 3 times last night in all of 30 min. YIKES!!

Here is Ella after a good burp in her pj's after a rough day of sleeping and eating all day!!

Ella had her 2 week check up on Monday and she now weights 9lbs 2oz and grew 1in. Maybe her weight would explain all the dirty diapers. The dr. said that she is in the 75% for her age.
Besides all the diapers we go through for our little Ella we love her very much!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ella is absolutely beautiful!
Joann Rull