Sunday, May 20, 2012


 Ella had been counting down the days till she got to hang out with her cousins, Bennett and Miles. The girls did a lot of giggling and pretend playing together.  They even managed to include Bridgette and Miles in all the playing they did.  I didn't get a very good picture of Bridgette but the one of Miles below is adorable.  He is all boy! We had such a fun time hanging out with them.

Prima Ballerina's

One really speical treat that Ella and Bennett got to do when visiting Nana and Papa a few weeks ago was to go have a private ballet lesson from our friends daughter who is a real ballerina.  The girls were in ahh of Chelesea (the ballerina).  They listened so well and even preformed a little routine for us.

Visiting Great Grandma Janosky

Ok, so its been a long, long time since I last blogged.  They even changed the whole website layout so I am really lost.
The pictures above are of visiting my 96yr old Grandma.  My cousins were nice enough drove her down to my cousins farm so we could all see her when my brother and his family came to visit.  It was on my Grandma's wish list to meet my brother's kids so she was thrilled.