Tuesday, March 30, 2010
32 Wks pregnant
Feeling great at 32 weeks. Its hard to believe that in 50 days we will have another addition to the family. Definitely not ready!

Ella reading me a bedtime story
Saying "cheese" to the camera
Playing babies with daddy.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Busy Day
We had a very busy day today. First we went to the library for story/song time, what a great 30mins of free entertainment for kids. Ella had great time running around with all the other kids her age. After our little class we picked out books and then headed for the park to meet our friends. It was a record high temp. today so we had a picnic and played on the playground and chased around some ducks. We finished out the afternoon before going home for a nap by taking a walk to get some ice cream. What a yummy treat!!
As far as updates go with Ella: She says new words daily. She is really into finding bugs and when we do she acts all scared. She loves getting nightly horsey rides from Jake. She climbs on his back, holds on tight and says, "go daddy" when Jake gets out of breath she gets down and will find her plastic carrott and feed Jake. It's hilarious. And the other thing she does is pulls out her own diaper and changing pad when she needs to be changed.
She is in the middle of saying Binky when I took this picture.
As far as updates go with Ella: She says new words daily. She is really into finding bugs and when we do she acts all scared. She loves getting nightly horsey rides from Jake. She climbs on his back, holds on tight and says, "go daddy" when Jake gets out of breath she gets down and will find her plastic carrott and feed Jake. It's hilarious. And the other thing she does is pulls out her own diaper and changing pad when she needs to be changed.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Room remodel
This past weekend Jake finally started working on Ella's new room. Its still a work in progress but I thought I'd show you a few pictures. I think Ella is really going to like her new room once she is all moved in.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Think Spring
The last few weeks we have had some really nice weather off and on. Everyday that it has been sunny I have made it a point to get outside and take advantage of it. Me and Ella usually either walk to the local school and play on the playground or drive down to the park and play on the play structure there. When you ask Ella if she wants to go to the park she will clap her hands and say, wheee. She gets so excited because she loves going down the slide. Surprisingly she is quite brave and will even down the big twisty slide by herself.
Ella is quite the talker she trys to say lots of different words each day, she is even putting two words together, here are a few things she says: Oh daddy, Hi baby, wet, bubbles, noodles, Elmo, happy, neck- short for necterine, water, cookie, bye, go, all the animal sounds, bink- short for her binky, Mick- short for Mickey Mouse, she can point to the letter E and knows that is how you start to spell her name, same with the letter L. Her new color she can find in the crayon box and say is peach. I'm sure there are more but for now thats all I can remember.
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