Sunday, August 30, 2009

Random Pictures from the past week

Here is a older picture from when Ella was celebrating her b-day at the cabin in MN.
Ella thought it would be fun to help feed herself.

Eating all by herself- what a big girl!!

This morning Ella climbed into the dishwasher when I wasn't looking! What a goofy girl!

Play date last Thurs with Ella's friend Molly. Ella is sharing her new Bee Bop Band toy.

Lisa come's to visit

My college roommate and her boyfriend came to visit this weekend. We had a great time catching up and reminiscing about the good old days. Lisa even had some good bonding time with Ella. Of course it helped that she brought her a toy.
Thanks Lisa and Stas for coming to town. Can't wait to see you again in Oct. for another round of fun!!!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Big Girl Style

She loves to take things out of bag/purses and then put them back in.

As you all know by now, Ella is one! She still fits in her infant seat but this weekend we moved her into a forward facing car seat to see how she would like it, and she loved it. Personally, it is much easier on my arm to hand her things or feed her a snack. I can't believe my baby girl is a toddler now.

This afternoon after her nap she taught herself how to climb in and out of her little rocking chair. It was so cute watching her lift up her leg and pull herself up and then try and turn back around. She can even rock back and forth.
Tonight we had a very exciting dinner hour, Ella did the sign for "more." I have been working on sign language with her since she was about 6mo's old. I just about gave up on the whole idea of it and was going to settle for her pointing and grunting at what she wanted. But tonight was a huge breakthrough. Of course, she thought it was so funny that we can running at her beck n call to give her more of what she was eating. Hopefully, it doesn't turn into a game for her.
One of these days we will post Ella's birthday video for everyone to see.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Oh My Ella is ONE!

Ella turned one last Sunday! We were in Minnesota at the Menard Cabin. Here are some photos of the trip.