Friday, May 29, 2009

Born to be a Hygienist

I gave Ella her first baby toothbrush the other day. At first she was a little unsure of the bristle part but after checking it out, it went directly into her mouth. I think she wants to be just like her mom and clean teeth when she grows up.
This week Ella has learned how to clap her hands and wave "HI" and Goodbye"

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Splish Splash

This weekend was a warm one here so we brought Ella down to the fountain. She really enjoyed watching all the kids but was a little unsure of the water. Doesn't she look cute in her baby swimming suit?
Ella officially started crawling last Thursday- Hooray!!

Monday, May 18, 2009

The Zoo

Ella took her first trip to the zoo this weekend up in Seattle. We decided she was still a little young to enjoy the animals but me and Jake had a good time especially with the Hippos.

Jake and Ella in the children's petting zoo.

People were actually laughing at Ella at the zoo because of this pose with her legs in the air.

My little strawberry shortcake!

Using the sippy cup all by herself .

Practicing her crawling

Monday, May 11, 2009

9mos old and more

I have been terribly busy these last couple of weeks so I apologize for not updating you all with new pictures. Since I last logged in, we had a wonderful trip to Spokane. Ella participated in her first Bloomsday. She was quite the trooper during the 7.5 mile walk. We celebrated multiple birthdays, with one big party my mom put together. Happy B-day again to my dad's, niece Bennett, and Grandpa. I had a great first Mother's day, Jake made some good meals and Ella was a good girl especially during nap time.
Ella had her 9mo well visit today. She is growing right on track and hitting each milestone. Ella's latest accomplishment is pulling herself up on things. I think she just likes using me and Jake as a jungle gym. She can also go from her her stomach to sitting all by herself. What a big girl!

Riverfront Park