Sunday, October 26, 2008

Daddy Time/ Portland

Ella still loves her bathtime especially when daddy gives it to her.
Here is daddy and Ella getting ready for bed- shhhh quiet time

These pictures were taken on our trip to Portland last week. We had a wonderful time until we came home on Friday night right in the middle of rush hour.

Tummy Time

Ella is getting stronger everyday, pretty soon before we know it she will be rolling over!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's been a long time

I know we have not posted any new pictures of Ella in awhile and some of you are getting a little impatient. So above are some recent photos. Since we last blogged Ella has been to the doctor for her 2mo check up. She weighed in at 13lbs and 23 inches long. Yup, she is in the 95% in her weight class. Ella never misses a meal!!
Speaking of meals, we are down to the wire of having Ella learn how to take a bottle. I only have a short 2 weeks left before I return to work. So far giving her a bottle is a battle of the wills. Who gives in first, usually its her. She knows how to take the bottle she just would rather have me instead. I feel so bad for her but in the long run it will be the best for both of us.
Ella has also discovered her fists. Instead of pushing the pacifier I just let her suck on her fists, lets hope that she never finds her thumb. Otherwise, we will have to start a saving account for future braces.
Hope you all enjoyed the pictures.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Getting to be Fall

Ella and I have been trying to take advantage of the few nice days we have left before the rain really sets in. Today the sun is out the birds are chirping and the squirrles are sunbathing on the fence. Here are a couple pictures of Ella in her hat before our walk.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Ella's Baptism

Ella did great during her Baptism. Not one peep was made from her during mass not even when the water dumped on her forehead. There are many more picture's I'd like to share but they will be put into a slide show at another time.

Ella's Baptism Gown

Ella got to wear many special garments for her Baptism. The white shawl with the hood was first started by Jake's grandma and then finished by Jake's mom. Ella's baptism gown was handed down by my grandma who said that it was worn by Ella's great great grandma Ella. A lot of history in these pictures. Ella also wore a bonnet for part of the mass which was given to her as a gift from her godparents. The bonnet will then turn into a handkerchief for Ella's "something old" when she gets married someday.

The "Mole"

So Jake has been trying to catch this mole that has caused a lot of destruction in our backyard. Jake as tried everything from traps to poison and nothing seemed to get this creature. I even saw the thing push up a new mound of dirt one evening and ran out to see if I could kill with with a pitch fork but no such luck. So after 6 weeks of chasing this rascal it was time to call in a professional. It was going to cost $60.00/mole. The mole man came out on Wed. and ended up using the same traps Jake had bought but he buried his so once Jake saw the guys technique he put his own trap out and the next day, we caught him!!! Jake was so proud. Here is the picture to prove it. It's amazing something so small can cause so many problems.

The Menard's and Regel's come to visit

Ella's Grandma and Grandpa Menard plus the entire Regel family came to visit last Wed in preparation for Ella's bapstim. Ella was so excited to meet her two cousins Isaac and Aidan along with her Godparents Tim and Renee. I think cousin Aidan was the most excited to meet baby Ella. He was such a good helper with changing Ella's diapers and even donated one of is nuks to baby Ella.