Jake and I were worried about bringing Ella home for the first time because we didn't know how Avery would react. Normally, Avery does not do well around small children or Adults for that matter. However, she has surprised us on how well behaved she has been.
Most of the time Avery leaves Ella alone or will just come up and sniff her but yesterday morning was something I would have never guessed would have happened. Yes, Avery decided to come and sit right next to me and Ella when we were having our morning cuddle. Jake just had to get a picture of it.
The other pictures are just to show you all how big Ella is getting. Little things we have figured out about her are:
She loves to sit up to burp- the louder the better!!!
She enjoys laying on her belly
She can hold up her head for brief periods of time
She follows things with her eyes and likes to stare at me and Jake
She loves to eat maybe we should call it snacking instead
She hardly ever cry's when her diaper is being changed or she is given a sponge bath.
I'd say we have a pretty content baby so far.